Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Few Goosebumps

I am sitting here supposedly listening to the Professional Development I am missing in PA, but really watching the Presidential inauguration. While I did not vote for Obama, like everyone else I am hopeful for the future. I do pray that the President Obama will make wise choices and direct this great country in the right direction.

As I am watching on TV (by the way I so have to go to the inauguration in four years!) I am touched by the closeness of President Clinton and President Bush the 1st. They have worked so hard together on tsunami relief and I love that these great men can cross political boundaries to make the world a greater place.

I really hope that the future can bring bi-partisanship. It really is an incredible view of the mall to see the millions of people who are there in support of our elected President. Wouldn't this be an incredible nation if we could all work together for the betterment of our nation, instead of dividing and just pursuing our special interests. If we could all believe in our nation and take care of one another, this country could be incredible. I really wish we could put aside our differences and find common ground. I really wish we could respect our different thoughts and opinions and not pit ourselves against each other.

I am hopeful for the future where one day we can be an United States of America.

1 comment:

Josiemy said...

I'm torn between wanting things to be better and not wanting to sacrifice our way of life. I hope that Obama can make the decisions that are true to the foundations of freedom that are so important to the life of our country.